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How to Hit a Golf Ball to an Elevated Surface

One of the most difficult shots in golf is the elevated shot, which brings the ball from a low downward position back up to an elevated surface. Often in a game you will find yourself in a situation where playing this shot will be the only option; yet, a lot of golfers try to avoid it because it is challenging. The main problem with this shot is getting the accuracy just right. Judging distance is difficult, but if you can…

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How to Gain Distance in Your Golf Shots

A brilliant golf player has a complete range of shots. That’s because in any game, you will have to play all the shots at one point or the other. If you are comfortable playing all the shots in the book, then no hurdle can stand in your way. One of the toughest golf shots is the long-range drive, which is played over a long distance and requires a considerable amount of power. Even the best golfers struggle playing this shot,…

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How to Set Yourself Up for the Shot: Creating the Perfect Golf Stance

Ever wonder how the golf pros are so good at their game? They pay attention to the golfing basics and are extremely focused on technique. Even if you do not plan on becoming a pro, it is still vital that you learn the principles of how to play the game properly. You can improve your game by mastering one skill at a time. One of the simplest elements of golf is the stance, or the way you stand before striking…

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